Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"The Eve Project" - Launched

"The Eve Project" has been launched! Just to refresh your memory - "The Eve Project" is an outreach initiative that I've been participating in through Living Hope (refer back to Oct. 5th blog). The aim of the project is to reach out to the young women in our community who regularly miss school due to lack of necessary feminine products. The need for adequate education is paramount to any long-term solution to the issues of poverty and changed behavior (AIDS and HIV are directly proportional to poverty). Therefore, we see an opportunity to reach out to these young women to make a change in their lives in an effort to effect a long-term change in their community.

"The Eve Project" was launched last week. An email announcement, along with a PDF flyer, was sent to several international churches requesting partnership. As a counterpart for our local efforts, volunteers will be delivering The Eve Project's message to schools, organizations and women's groups in the greater Cape Town area. We are asking for donations in kind with the "buy one, donate one" theme. (Buy a pack of tampons for you, donate one to our ministry.)

We are excited about the impact this effort will have in the community. Pray for us that we will be able to use this project as a means to share the gospel and that lives will be changed for eternity.

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